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Ravi Dhar Bhandari

Geta Eye Hospital, Nepal

Title: Comparative Study On Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) Surgery With Silicone Tube Intubation And Without Silicone Tube Intubation At Geta Eye Hospital


Biography: Ravi Dhar Bhandari


Objective: To compare the outcome of dacryocystorhinostomy surgery with silicone tube intubation and without silicone tube intubation at Geta eye hospital.
Method: A hospital based retrospective comparative case study in which 87 subjects operated for dacryosystitis were analyzed, of which 49 were with silicone tube intubation and 38 were without silicone tube intubation. Study data were obtained from hospital records in which subjects were followed up on one week, one and half month and three months, postoperatively.
Result: On three months of surgery, 72 of 87 (82.76%) were followed up. Of 39 with silicone tube 35 (89.7%) had patent ducts and of 33 without silicone tube 29 (87.9%) had patent ducts on lacrimal syringing which was considered as success of the surgery. Only 4 patients in each group, 10.3% silicone tube and 12.1% without silicone tube had regurgitation of mucous or pus (failure) on lacrimal syringing. Both the group did not differ significantly (p=0.54).
Conclusion: Dacryocystorhinostomy with silicone tube intubation and without silicon tube intubation procedure offer similar efficient outcome.