Call for Abstract

African Summit on Ophthalmology and Eye, will be organized around the theme “Visualizing the Global Advancements in Ophthalmology”

Afro-Ophthalmology 2019 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Afro-Ophthalmology 2019

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye. All evaluations that purport to diagnose eye disease should be carried out by a physician.  An ophthalmologist is a doctor of medicine who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the eye, in addition to diagnosing systemic disease that manifest in eye signs or symptoms.

Since ophthalmologists perform operations on eyes, they are considered to be both surgical and medical specialists.


  • Track 1-1Diagnosis and treatment

Clinical Ophthalmology will enhance your knowledge of common ocular diseases, ophthalmic surgical and laser procedures, clinical anatomy and ocular therapeutics. You will develop analytical skills for solving clinical case problems and evaluating published research, and gain valuable research experience through the opportunity.


  • Track 2-1Ocular Refraction and Therapeutics
  • Track 2-2Eye and Surrounding Disorders
  • Track 2-3Cornea and Corneal Diseases
  • Track 2-4Community Ophthalmology

Oculoplastic surgery largely consists of traditional approaches to many of the encountered diseases.  Our specialty has well-established methods for most surgeries and we use our good old fashioned surgical instruments, but advances are continuously being made to improve patient outcomes while at the same time abiding by sound surgical and medical principles according to anatomy.  These advances are made in both surgical and non-surgical approaches to functional and aesthetic oculoplastic surgery. There has been a lot of excitement in oculoplastic surgery recently. New surgical techniques, many of which are less invasive, new cosmetic tools with particular utility around the eyes, and new team approaches have fueled the excitement. The aging baby boomer population has increased demand for cosmetic procedures; the ability to work outside the traditional insurance system has added momentum to the interest and curiosity of ophthalmologists. Indeed the accreditation given to American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education will ignite the debate over sub-specialty board certification for ophthalmic plastic surgery.


  • Track 3-1Blepharoplasty
  • Track 3-2Epicanthoplasty
  • Track 3-3Lateral Canthoplasty
  • Track 3-4Brow lift surgery

Pediatric ophthalmology is a sub-speciality of ophthalmology concerned with eye diseases, visual development, and vision care in children. The pediatric ophthalmologist has additional training, experience, and expertise in examining children, and has the greatest knowledge of possible conditions that affect the pediatric patient and his/her eyes.  Neurologic development of vision occurs up until approximately age 12 years. Misalignment of the eyes (strabismus), uncorrected refractive error (myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism), and asymmetry of refractive error between the two eyes can negatively affect this development.  If these conditions are diagnosed and treated early, good vision can develop and can be maintained.  Certain diseases elsewhere in the body, such as diabetes, can affect the eyes, and the pediatric ophthalmologist addresses these, as well.


  • Track 4-1Retinopathy of Prematurity
  • Track 4-2Eye Screening
  • Track 4-3Strabismus
  • Track 4-4Amblyopia, Exotropia, Esotropia

Right when the eyes lenses get the opportunity to be shady, Cataract evacuation is for the most part supported and in this way Cataract surgery like Cryoextraction is performed. In Cataract surgery, the lens inside the eye that has wound up shady is removed and supplanted with a mimicked lens (called an intraocular lens, or IOL) to restore clear vision. The system routinely is performed on an outpatient start and does not require an overnight stay in a center or other thought office. Most present Cataract surgery integrates the usage of a high-repeat ultrasound device that segregates the cloudy lens into minute pieces, which are then carefully removed from the eye with suction. The up and coming Refractive Surgery Conference may likewise concentrate on Cataract surgery as this is the most broadly recognized eye sickness everywhere throughout the world.

If you have a refractive error, such as farsightedness (hyperopia), astigmatism or presbyopia, refractive surgery is a method for amending or improving your vision. There are various surgical procedures for correcting or adjusting your eye's directing ability by reshaping the cornea, or clear, round dome at the front of your eye. Other procedures involve inserting a lens inside your eye. The most widely performed type of refractive surgery is LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis), where a laser is used to reshape the cornea.


  • Track 5-1Phacoemulsification
  • Track 5-2Posterior Subcapsular Cataract
  • Track 5-3Laser Cataract Surgery
  • Track 5-4Use of Intra ocular antibiotics to prevent infection in cataract surgeries
  • Track 5-5LASIK Laser Surgery
  • Track 5-6Photorefractive, Astigmatic and Radial Keratotomy

Glaucoma is a multifactorial optic neuropathy that affects more than 50 million people and is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. The role of intra ocular pressure (IOP) has been well documented as a major modifiable risk factor for glaucoma. Additionally, many glaucoma patients have a relatively low IOP, while some healthy individuals have a relatively high IOP. The disorders can be roughly divided into two main categories, open-angle glaucoma and closed-angle glaucoma. Impaired ocular blood flow regulation in open angle glaucoma as a risk of glaucoma has also been well established, especially over the past two decades. Pathophysiology of glaucoma indicates towards the increased in intraocular pressure which compresses and damages the optic nerve. Once the optic nerve is damaged, it fails to carry visual information to the brain and this result in loss of vision. The exact pathophysiology of glaucoma contributing to this is yet to be determined. Biomarkers for glaucoma have predictive use that could help and guide more specific therapy in some glaucoma patients. Endothelin in glaucoma treatment play a very key role in pathogenesis of glaucoma. Glaucoma accounts for over 10 million visits to physicians each year. In terms of Social Security benefits, lost income tax revenues, and health care expenditures, the cost to the U.S. government is estimated to be over $1.5 billion annually. The Glaucoma Research Society of Canada is the only Canadian non-profit organization solely dedicated to funding glaucoma research. Since 1989, it has raised more than two million dollars in support of 150 research projects. The Society funds 10 to 15% of all independent glaucoma research in Canada. Bascom Palmer and Wills Eye are the top researcher organization for glaucoma.7 Entrepreneurs Investment meet


  • Track 6-1Pathophysiology of Glaucoma
  • Track 6-2Open-angle Glaucoma
  • Track 6-3Biomarkers for Glaucoma
  • Track 6-4Endothelin in Glaucoma treatment
  • Track 6-5Complications and Management of Glaucoma Filtering
  • Track 6-6Closed-angle Glaucoma

The retina is a thin layer of tissue on the inside back wall of your eye. It contains millions of light-sensitive cells and other nerve cells that receive and organize visual information. Your retina sends this information to your brain through your optic nerve, enabling you to see. Retinal degenerative disorders such as Age-related macular degeneration and Myopic macular degeneration affecting young and old from many cultures, races and ethnicities. The central area of the retina contains a high density of color-sensitive photoreceptor cells called cones which are responsible for color vision and hence any defect and alteration in the central area of the retina will lead to Color vision defects. On the other hand diseases like Diabetic retinopathy and Retinal tumors can also be responsible for the permanent vision loss if it is not treated on time. Historically, retinal disease has had a low priority in prevention of blindness programs in developing countries. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, it was thought that retinal disease was an uncommon cause of blindness in the developing world; secondly, that the results of treating retinal disease did not justify the effort and expense involved; and, thirdly, that the equipment required was too costly and unreliable for use in a developing country environment. Finally, there is a lack of skilled personnel with sub-specialty training in retinal disease. John Hopkins School of Medicine, UCSF School of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine and Mayo Medical School are the leading institutes associates with ophthalmology.


  • Track 7-1Age-related macular degeneration
  • Track 7-2Myopic macular degeneration
  • Track 7-3Diabetic retinopathy
  • Track 7-4Retinal tumors
  • Track 7-5Retinal Detachment
  • Track 7-6Retinopathy of Prematurity Ophthalmologic Approach

Neuro ophthalmology is the speciality that deals with ophthalmic diseases with neurological problems and various optic nerve disorders. We use almost half of the brain for vision-related activities, including sight and moving the eyes. Neuro-ophthalmology, a subspecialty of both neurology and ophthalmology, requires specialized training and expertise in problems of the eye, brain, nerves and muscles.


  • Track 8-1Optic nerve diseases
  • Track 8-2Neuroretinitis
  • Track 8-3Posterior uveitis

Optometry is a social insurance calling that practices on the eyes and related structures, and vision, visual frameworks, and vision data handling in people. Optometrists (otherwise called Doctors of Optometry or Ophthalmic Opticians relying upon the nation) are prepared to endorse and fit focal points to enhance vision, and in a few nations are prepared to analyse and treat different eye sicknesses. Optometric doctors and optometry-related associations communicate with legislative offices, other social insurance experts, and the group to convey eye-and vision-care.


  • Track 9-1Lens Disorders
  • Track 9-2Diagnosis and assessment of keratoconus
  • Track 9-3Contact lens related conditions in cornea
  • Track 9-4Ocular pathologies related to contact lens use
  • Track 9-5Orthokeratology lenses and contact fitting
  • Track 9-6Ocular mobility

Ophthalmic Oncology is a highly specialized and niche facility offering expert care in the treatment various cancerous tumours of the eye and surrounding structures. The commonest tumour of the eye occurs in children and is called ‘Retinoblastoma’. The second most common intra-ocular tumour treated is Choroidal Melanoma which largely occurs among adults; it has advance facilities and expertise in procedures such as Transpupillary Thermo Therapy, Brachytherapy, Local Tumour Resection in the form of Eye Wall Resection for effectively treating this condition.


  • Track 10-1Tumors of eyelids
  • Track 10-2Eyelid lumps and bumps
  • Track 10-3Retinoblastoma and neoplasms
  • Track 10-4Melanoma in eye
  • Track 10-5Psychological needs and communication for eye cancer patients

The orbit (eye socket) is the cone-shaped bony cavity in which the eyes are situated. It is padded with fatty tissue and contains eye muscles, nerves, glands and cavities, all of which play important roles in eye function and health. The eye socket can be affected by a range of orbital disorders, including inflammation, tumors, systemic diseases, congenital disorders and physical injuries.

Types of Orbital Disorders

  • Orbital fractures are cracks or breaks in the facial bones surrounding the eye. Certain fractures of the orbital bone beneath the eye known as blowout fractures can lead to a range of complications and vision impairment. Severe orbital fractures may require surgical intervention, which involves reconstruction of the orbit.
  • Orbital tumors are abnormal growths that vary in size and severity and can be either benign or malignant. The most common symptoms of orbital tumors include inflammation, double vision, discomfort and bulging of the eyeball. At Delray Eye Associates, P.A., we offer specialized treatment for orbital tumors, including orbital surgery and referrals for adjuvant therapy.
  • Thyroid eye disease, also known as Graves’ disease, is the most common orbital disorder. It is an autoimmune condition that occurs as a result of impaired function of the thyroid gland. The disease may vary in severity and last several months or years. The most common side effects of thyroid eye disease are eyelid retraction, double vision and protrusion of one or both eyes. Treatments for thyroid eye disease include lubricating eye drops, medication to reduce the orbital inflammation, prisms, and eye muscle and eyelid surgery. In extreme cases, a procedure known as orbital decompression may be performed to reduce bulging eyeballs.
  • Anophthalmos (loss of one or both eyes) can be caused by a variety of factors, including traumatic injury and eye cancer. It is also associated with a congenital disorder in which the orbital tissue development has been impaired, leading to the complete absence of an eye. Individuals who suffer from anophthalmos are often faced with a range of problems, including blindness and physical disfigurement of the eye and eyelids. Dr. Kronish specializes in surgery involving reconstruction of the eye socket and prostheses to restore a more natural appearance.


  • Track 11-1All molecular diseases
  • Track 11-2Eye and orbit ultrasounds
  • Track 11-3Clinical cases with practical pearls
  • Track 11-4Eyelid and lacrimal disorders
  • Track 11-5Innovations in oculoplastic & lacrimal surgery

It will probably be a number of years before macular degeneration falls into the category of a truly preventable disease. Many individuals with macular degeneration currently reach the point where no surgery, treatment or medication can reverse or halt the devastating progression of this disease. The purpose of the Vision Rehabilitation service is to help these individuals make the most of their limited vision. To accomplish this, state-of-the-art devices will be employed to improve the quality of life of individuals who have experience a loss of vision.

Visual loss often causes depression in individuals with macular degeneration. This response lessens the individual's ability to make adaptations for their vision loss. While many vision rehabilitation programs simply provide a few vision aids, without significant counseling or other instruction, the Vision Rehabilitation unit of the University of Iowa Center for Macular Degeneration employs and incorporates both psychological and physical rehabilitation in its care of individuals with visual impairments.

Individuals with visual impairments are taught to use their remaining visual abilities, much like physical or occupational therapists would help an individual who has suffered from a stroke. By adapting appliances and utilizing vision rehabilitation devices specifically designed for the needs of the individual, many individuals with visual impairments are able to maintain their independence. Another significant advancement has been the development of techniques for individuals to read using only their peripheral vision.


  • Track 12-1Toxic amblyopia
  • Track 12-2Optic neuritis
  • Track 12-3Conjunctivitis and allergies
  • Track 12-4Lazy eye and turner syndrome